Names, god, clerics, type of deity, area of control
( No details yet.)
Antons of Benevolence, Wadgec, any, Major, god of the sky
The Devotees from Kraag, Sraaq, any, Major, creator of the universe
Abbey of the Eternal Ocean, Kilaro, any, Major, god of the rivers and oceans
Temple of the Howling Storm, Ghiyala, Female only, Major, goddess of the atmostphere
Church of Graa, Rimnar, any, Minor, god of the wind
Punishers of Unlawfulness, Hir, any, Major, the Avenger
Victory Abbey, Olanna, any, Major, goddess of victory
Temple of the Blue Bolt, Zinzad, any, Minor, god of thunder and lightning
Oathbinders’ Friends, Virka, any, Major, god of order & protection of oaths
Death Followers, Alarag, Male only, Minor, demigod of death
The Oaken Hearth, Saint Cuthbert, any, Major, god of wisdom, common sense, truth, zeal
Names, god, clerics, type of deity, area of control
( No details yet.)
Temple Khol
Silent Ones of Kran
The Darkening Sky
Mer Shunna
Flames of Repulsion
Church of Rightousness
Deliverers of Pain
Names, god, clerics, type of deity, area of control
( No details yet.)
Disciples of Stalix
Smiling Skull Temple
The Killing One
Frilto Abbey
Abbey of the Gloom
The Avaricious Beckoners
Abbey of the Lesser of Two Evils
Names, god, clerics, type of deity, area of control
(No detail pages yet.)
Tral Seqor Abbey, Pangu, any, Major, god of the atmosphere, storms, & rain
Church of the Hunt, Brellu, any, Major, god of archery, hunting, and winter
Temple of the Crashing River, Zellucra, any, Major, god of the seas, oceans, streams, & earthquakes
Revelers in Purple, Vinyulg, any, Minor, god of wind
Apostles of the Avatar, Kelri, any, Minor, god of fire & lightning
Abbey of Passion, Ranul, any, Major, god of nature
Hand of the Clumsy Way, Go Yen, any, Minor, god of thieves
I decided to have all deities in a particular Mythos all of one alignment. That way a person of a particular alignment wouldn’t find themselves having to pray to a deity of a different alignment for things like help with the crops or for war. But I didn’t make religions up from scratch, just modified the ones available in a book titled ‘Deities and Demigods’ by TSR. This means not all ‘houses’ are represented in all religions in my game. There may not be a farmer’s deity for one religion mythos, but was available in another one.
I did set a few of them so that clerics of that religion could use non-blunt weapons. The no cutting edge weapons thing for clerics is a Middle Ages Earth thing anyway. It just didn’t fit into my campaign world. So a religion modified from a deity that allowed/ demanded certain weapons from the cleric was set up that way. In my campaign you might see a cleric with a spear, a sword, or a war hammer. It varied by the favorite weapon of the deity of that religion.
Of course, all of this is fictional. These game religions don’t represent anything but works of fiction.