My AD&D 1e website - Articles - Plains of Hollowness maps, scenarios, and cities, etc. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:27:24 +0000 Plains of Hollowness entrance page Plains area, little in the way of trees, hills, or mountans. There are a few lightly forested areas. Water is scarce here.

A mess of wandering bad guys: trolls, gnolls, orcs, hobgoblins.

A few ruins here and there, but mostly wandering humanoid hunter gatherers.

No population figures possible, but might be in excess of 3,000,000.

March 23, 2024, uploaded.


]]> Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:51:15 +0000 Bill George,2015-02-09:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/136045b6a4a85d958dacd49753043b7a